#guys what if i redrew the ‘you have the eyes of a soldier’ ‘do you want to be my friend’ scene with haikavetham what then…….
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tinartss · 2 months ago
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otayuri fanart in the year 2025 because the first yoi rewatch after nearly 9 years goes crazy hard
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doedipus · 8 years ago
LP D&D: Tumble in the Tundra
It’s like the Rumble in the Jungle, except not in central Africa.
Something about the concept of magic items really tickles my fancy, moreso than a lot of other fantasy tropes. Stuff like the Moonlight Greatsword from the Dark Souls games, Link’s heaping arsenal of hyper-specialized tools, and Guts’ berserker suit and robot hand strike me as being super cool. If I had to rationalize it, I guess it comes down to gadget-based heroes being more fundamentally human in my mind than someone with the innate ability to light things on fire with their brain, and in the context of tabletop games, magic items can provide some more flavor to combat and river crossing puzzles than a party of totally mundane humans. Like, the time when Coy ended the battle at the late Lord Hier’s dinner party by crashing the airship through clever use of the teleport hat was wayyy cooler than the dozens of other encounters the party just brute forced their way through.
One of these days, I really want to run a campaign in a low-genre game like Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green or something, and use quadcopters or smartphones the same way our DM in this game uses the helm of teleportation or the cloak of the bat.
I’m bringing all this up because the map the party had been carting around this whole time is basically a smartphone. As usual, content under the break.
Teller redrew the map
While he was drawing, a woman’s face appears in the map and speaks to the party
Her name is Natalie
She’s the map
Of Amarak //The last empire to control western Faerun
Natalie is having none of our berk questions
Connie asks about the sisters, Natalie gives an info-dump
They were anti-imperialist
Minnia formed a pact with some demons
Amarak successfully repelled them, and recorded their strategies in Natalie
Lucas asks about Minnia’s location
Apparently she was split into 5 pieces, and her remains scattered
One near Luskan and Syrup Leaf
One near Calimport
One near Shulk
One near Amathar
One in Winterkeep
One in Candlekeep
Natalie can give the party more detailed advice as we get close
“You seem kind of full of yourself. I like that. I’m also kind of full of myself”-Lucas
Coy asks Natalie what she knows about what’s-her-name
My responses are limited. You must ask the right question.
Max works through his headache and remembers names
Natalie has an image of her on file
Graham realizes something is off about the map
Coy and Graham take a closer look
The kingdom of Demara was apparently bigger in the past
It was slightly smaller than Amarak, and its ally
Graham puts his ear to the map
Natalie recommends he clean his ears
He does. On Natalie.
Natalie is violated
Lucas tries to concuss Graham, but he’s doing the dance of his people
Natalie dislikes being called “Map”
Coy recommends the party go check out the giblets at Syrup Leaf
Lucas is confus. What’s a syrup leaf?
Coy attempts to explain
Natalie wants to map out a relationship chart for the party
Esmeralda is a lady
no srs guys
Telepathy sex dungeon //from Sigil trip one
Lucas denies any knowledge of this “Rolen” //Rich also denies any knowledge of this “Rolen.”
He literally has no knowledge of Rolen
Or the drow attack on Amnswater
Graham reveals he’s never learned anyone else’s name
Coy considers storage options for Natalie
Can we laminate her?
Can she survive in a bag of holding?
Natalie the smartphone can keep track of our quests. How convenient! //Not like we tend to think in terms of “quests” anyway. We mostly just bumble around and then things happen
Connie asks about the Sigil portal
The ruins of the Sigil-Amarak trade hub is nearby
It’s by the crags
Graham has a question for Map
Where’s Catarina?
There isn’t one lol
It’s recently independent obvs
What’s the dog to milk ratio?
It’s 3:1, Rap
Coy asks for a brief overview of the war
Amarak allied with nearby kingdoms
They cornered Minnia in Beydale and dismembered her
There was also a golem army, which Natalie can activate
Escrima asks about extraplanar creatures
They came out through the underchasm
He asks about mother
Apparently, she patroned a few generals during the war
Callie Thorngage, Nedda Brushgather, and Escrima Smith
Natalie shows images of said generals
They bear a striking resemblance to Graham, Connie, and Escrima Smith, respectively
//From what little we know so far, Callie Thorngage was ostensibly a cis woman. The implication is pretty clearly that the members of the current party are reincarnations of these other three folks, with Escrima being the Gordon Freeman to MOTHER’s G-man. So like, why would Graham’s previous incarnation be a cis girl? Wouldn’t it make more sense if the old Graham was also a dude, and the trans thing happened because he was literally a dude dumped into a girl’s body? I swear, cis folk have no idea how to write this sort of thing.
They made it out of the war okay, and joined mother in the ether
Escrima accuses Natalie of tripping balls
She is a map. She does not trip
Amarak awarded mother some sort of reward for its assistance
Other team photos are revealed
There’s doppelgangers of Greg and Eva too.
Greg’s clone being the son of Theodin, King of Amarak
In a painting of the dicing of Minnia, a soldier uses The Cleaver to cut up Minnia’s body
The Cleaver is stored near the Sea of Fallen Stars, in a vault
Vaults are scattered around the continent, full of puzzles and treasure
Well ain’t that somethin’!
Graham and Escrima develop a plan to shoulder check the sisters and the bits of Minnia into the ocean, and then burn down the ocean. They will play their victory jingle on a triangle made of snakes
The hammer is also a snake
Coy accidentally lets slip that she has a soft stummy
Graham wants to touch it
Coy tries to be intimidating, but fails
Lucas prays to Oghma to try and figure out all that Rolen nonsense
All his memories are starting to get fuzzy, come to think of it
Eva’s are getting pretty strong, though
Lucas decides to take a look
She kept a Lucas shrine back in Candlekeep
She reduced it down to a drawing of Lucas, hidden in her cape
Lucas finds the picture. It’s of the two of them getting married.
The gang interrupts Lucas’ meditation session
He’s crying a bit, so he tries to use thaumaturgy to cover it
He makes flames come out of his eyes (by accident?)
Coy throws a potion of healing in his face
He feels very healthy
Coy explains to Lucas about the information the gang gleaned from the map
Lucas would rather Natalie just give him the information herself
Natalie recalls MOTHER as the “entity of dreams”  
Lucas wants to know if it’s good or evil.
Natalie gives him a cryptic answer
It’s a force of stability more than anything
Lucas asks Natalie if the Escrimas are the same
The one in the painting was 23 at the time of the war
Escrima always assumed he was 18
Natalie displays the group portrait with the generals, not-Greg, and not-Eva
not-Greg was named “Silifrey”
not-Eva was named “Merla Terlef,” and was married to Silifrey
Coy is irritated she doesn’t have a double
Lucas Explains Proskur to the party
He regrets getting involved, and blames himself for Eva’s pseudo death
Lucas goes to bed, as does Coy
Connie goes to the bathhouse
There’s a human man and an elf woman in the bath already
They’re married. Damn.
They’re here to open their business selling devices, gadgets and things
It’s a clock, but portable. Astounding!
Escrima wants to talk to Natalie
Coy opens the map, and prudently decides not to let Escrima touch it
Escrima asks about the generals
They were adventurers before joining the war
Lots of dragons killed, innocents saved, etc.
He wants to know about Callie Thorngage
She was a lady knight in the army of Amarak
Part of the agreement between Theodin V and mother was for the three to become generals
He asks to see the stats of the sister’s army
Several million gnolls, orcs, drow, and, oddly, fiends
The sister’s army had some generals too
They’re doubles of Lucas and legacy edition Coy. what?
//Again, why would Coy’s past-self-apparent be a dude? Grumble grumgle grumble
not-Coy was named “KUNG” in all-caps. Most dragonborn were on the sisters’ side. KUNG was killed in battle
not-Lucas’ name was Cefrey, who was the lead mage in their army. He was a necromancer who led a legion of undead
He looks like edgiest Lucas
Escrima and Coy go show Lucas
Lucas is appalled at Cefrey’s fashion sense
Lucas contemplates joining Minnia
The trio contemplate soul recycling, and realize it’s totally possible
Something or other did this intentionally
Natalie points the gang towards the planes
Lucas asks Natalie who put her in the box
It looks like Rocky. It’s probably Rocky.
Torix resumes control
Zerander heads for the bathhouse
The gang manages to sleep soundly for once
Lucas dreams about spiders
Connie has her recurring dream again
The next morning, Lucas goes to the scroll place. He spends the day copying spells
Zerander visits the blacksmith
He wants to get a silver zweihander
The smith agrees to make it out of the silver the gang sold to the armorer
Connie wants to take Nat 20 to the library
She tracks down Coy, and retrieves Natalie
She makes her way to the library in the main castle
Nat 20 has limited space, and can only absorb like 50 books
Connie feeds her a bunch of atlases and encyclopedias
She takes a bit too much pleasure from absorbing books
Zerander and Coy continue shopping
He visits an apothecary looking for alchemist’s fire
Coy bought all the fire in town
Graham goes looking for a way to upgrade grey matter //His hammer
Most of the people he asks are kids for some reason
He ends up at the blacksmith anyway
The smith upgrades it a dice class
In order to reduce the price, he spends the day working under the smith
Zerander goes looking for firearms
A shop sells old-timey hand cannons
The cannon and five rounds are 650gp
1d12 + 6 blunt damage!
Zerander talks the shopkeeper down to 600
He also goes to buy some basic supplies
He gets some holy water from the temple of Oghma
The priests want a donation of knowledge as payment
Zerander tells them about the time he fought a bear
Escrima spent the day swimming in the boiling hot river
He finds 5gp
He also finds a constitution saving throw
The water he drank is... not great
His goal was to get all wrinkly, and counts that as a success
During the night, Graham goes to check on Escrima
There’s puke everywhere. It smells disgusting
A maid tries to clean it up
Escrima asks Graham how he’s handling Nat 20’s info dump
Graham can barely understand a ham sandwich 
Escrima suggests they go to the bathhouse and turn it into puke water
They instead decide to try to become frogs
For some reason, they are unsuccessful
They’re not even green
Mother tells Escrima that she has more things to do
Escrima feels rebellious. He wants a piercing.
Graham considers having the blacksmith make Escrima a lily pad-shaped helmet
Lucas tries to relax in the hot spring
Distracted by current events, he fails to notice Coy and Zerander in the springs when he got in
Zerander explains the boomstick
Lucas doesn’t pay attention, and is instead transfixed by Zerander’s giant dong
It’s like, the size of his leg
“Eyes up here!”
Lucas comments that Coy looked better when she was a guy //Damn it, Rich
Lucas and Zerander fail their diversity training courses miserably
//Specifically, Zerander calls Coy “it.” Of all the shitty things to call a trans or intersex person, “it” stings the most in my mind. We’re human too, damn it. I’m still a bit sore about this whole interaction, but I guess this is the sort of thing that happens when you hang out with cis people in stealth. Since opening up to the players about being trans, it really hasn’t been an issue.
The gang goes to retrieve the items they ordered
Graham also has the lily pad hat made
He dubs Escrima “Sir Escrima of the Lotus Helm”
He tries to remove the hat, and fails
Lucas is informed of the frog plan, and polymorphs him into one
Graham kisses frogscrima, returning him to normal
Lucas turns him back in the middle of this
Lucas then polymorphs Graham
Graham attempts to pee on Lucas
Coy buys a crossbow that she can fire grappling hooks out of
Zerander goes to find a boxing ring
He meets a half-orc boxer named “GGrumsh”
GGrumsh wants to fight. The organizer sets up a match for that night
The whole of Neverwinter will be there
Connie asks Nat 20 about airships
Invented by dorfs on the continent of shulk
Big business in Neverwinter
Denyr’s Mechanical Marvels
The gang heads over to the shipyard to check things out
Their couches are okay
The boss mentions that they’re manufacturing ships for the sisters of dawn
Coy remarks that the sister’s ship was poorly made, having had firsthand experience
Coy has Connie message Rocky about the appraisal of the diamond
Janice, Rocky’s secretary answers back, which is odd
It was worth 1,125,000
The gang asks about types of construction
They gravitate towards rune-fueled, heavier than air flight
They pass a few of the sister’s ships on the way out
As Lucas wraps up, he hears some murmurs about the fight between GGrumsh and a foreigner. It’s starting soon!
The gang goes to watch the fight
Zerander strips down to boxing gear
The crowd cheers for GGrumsh
They boo Zerander as he enters. He flips them off
Graham bets on Zerander, and Lucas bets on Zerander’s dick
Battle against Ultraheavyweight GGrumsh of Neverwinter
Zerander pulls a “Well! What is it!” to try and goad his opponent into attacking
...which he does.
Zerander trips GGrumsh
GGrumsh regains his balance and attacks
He calls his attacks like a true monk
Zerander tries to trip him again, but sneak attacks only work once!
He then tries to grapple GGrumsh, and again fails
GGrumsh releases a flurry of blows, wounding Zerander
Zerander pins GGrumsh to the ground and slugs him several times
GGrumsh tries to get up, but is unable to get out from under the goliath
Zerander continues to pummel GGrumsh
GGrumsh manages to land a solid hit from his compromised position
He continues to try to escape the grapple, but fails
Zerander continues to pulverize GGrumsh
Zerander pulls out an elbow drop!
GGrumsh yields to nobody
Zerander picks him up, and slams him into the ground, knocking him unconscious
Zerander is awarded a belt adorned with the crest of Neverwinter
It grants +1 CHA
Also 250gp
Graham won 80gp on the fight
Escrima christened him “Dong, Champion of the Crucible”
The crowd begins calling him that, angering Zerander
The next day, Zerander goes to the smith, and asks about melding it into his armor
You can’t do that
Coy has pancakes
The gang heads to the old trade hub
It’s abandoned
They venture deeper into the castle, and find a courtyard
The castle is covered in seals of Amarak and other kingdoms
The party is curious as to why the castle was abandoned, and consult Nat 20
It has teleportation circles to Calimport and Baldur’s Gate
Lucas asks Natalie whether or not we could easily travel back and forth from Calimport
Probably, if the return portal is still active
Escrima expresses distress at the idea of going back to Calimshan
The temple Escrima was living in was ransacked, and the perpetrators are likely still there
He fled with another acolyte from Calimport to Candlekeep
“Now I gotta go take a shit in that bush”
Lucas opens the door to the portal rooms
There are a number of safety measures in the complex designed to brutally murder invaders
DAE acid?
As they go deeper, they hear a deep moaning noise coming from the portal room
Lucas uses an arcane eye to see into the portal room
There’s a beholder in there!
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